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And I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things.

2019-01-18 15:43:50 UTC
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Commenter Comment Posted
drew There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. 2019-04-22 00:44:12 UTC
jackie Quality is not an act, it is a habit. 2019-03-24 20:23:14 UTC
diego Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 2019-03-24 05:23:30 UTC
trina Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 2019-02-16 00:05:41 UTC
rosaria The unexamined life is not worth living. 2019-02-08 09:57:37 UTC
sharilyn The unexamined life is not worth living. 2019-01-30 06:19:45 UTC
roselee Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men. 2019-01-26 14:47:17 UTC

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