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Laughter is poison to fear.

2019-02-01 06:05:22 UTC
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Commenter Comment Posted
vanetta Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 2019-04-20 18:10:04 UTC
jolie A few vices are sufficient to darken many virtues. 2019-04-17 20:49:51 UTC
judith It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. 2019-04-14 00:47:27 UTC
rosaria The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom. 2019-04-02 21:52:47 UTC
augustine The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. 2019-03-16 04:53:21 UTC
jackson Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. 2019-02-21 08:53:33 UTC

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