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A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.

2014-07-02 18:25:57 UTC
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Commenter Comment Posted
dominique The unexamined life is not worth living. 2019-04-20 22:42:04 UTC
maida Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. 2019-04-11 17:24:41 UTC
phylicia Control thy passions lest they take vengence on thee. 2019-02-28 15:37:02 UTC
osvaldo Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. 2018-05-19 15:09:42 UTC
trina Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly. 2017-11-27 04:22:08 UTC
sharilyn Rhetoric is the art of ruling the minds of men. 2017-02-11 07:34:58 UTC
diego Philosophy is the highest music. 2016-10-13 18:38:29 UTC
desmond Most people would rather give than get affection. 2015-08-18 21:59:54 UTC

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